Reefer Frag Swap

Once you have bought a ticket you will have an opportunity to join a WhatsApp group where you can arrange to swap corals with other reefers ahead of the event.

At ♥️2Reef 2023 over 80% of those attending joined the WhatsApp group and swapped frags.

There were a number of reefers who gave away frags and this was brilliant for beginners or those looking to keep SPS for the first time.

There will be heated frag trays at the venue with blue lighting to keep your corals at the right temperature and to give them some pop, although they need to be kept in a pot to keep them safe and sound.

We recommend you meet up with your frag swapping reefer buddy asap to exchange frags at the event but you can keep them in the frag tray for the day or make your own arrangements for storage.